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Our sister company RyFish has been assigned a FOU license of 1 MTB (780 tons) for a period of five years. This means that we can produce 1500 tons a year in 3 of our FishGLOBE V5, size 3000 m3. This will give us the opportunity to test out full scale production in the FishGLOBE. We are grateful to Fiskeridirektoratet who after their assessment has concluded that we meet the terms and conditions for an aquaculture license for research purposes.


The vision of the project is to develop and customize the closed fish farming unit FishGLOBE. The goal is to provide better fish health and better fish welfare and at the same time ensure less escapes and lower emissions of particulate waste and also lower production costs. The project is in cooperation with Nofima.

V1 Demo

V2 Prototype

V3 R & D

Rendrede kutt 1JPG.JPG
3.5K #1
In full operation since 2019
3.5K #2
In full operation since 2021
Our full size globe, ready for construction

NY Besøksadresse: Vassbotnen 1, 4313 Sandnes

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